Most smartphones now a days are come with many features and one famous features is waterproof or water resistance is your phone is water ...
Most smartphones now a days are come with many features and one famous features is waterproof or water resistance is your phone is water proof or water resistance do you know the differance between waterproof and water resistance if no let's see this in detail.
Recently Apple was fined $ 12 million from Italy for its iPhone 12, which was turned out to be untrue with its water resistance. There is a debate as to whether Apple's claims are misunderstood or in fact true, but water resistance should be properly understood in relation to smartphones. What is waterproof or water resistant or water repellent, let's see in details.
- Waterproof
Most smartphones come with waterproof certification, which means the phone is safe underwater. Not only that, this phone can also be used for underwater photography. So when buying a phone, carefully check whether your phone is waterproof or in any category water resistant or water repository, otherwise big damage will occur.
- Water-resistant
If your device is water-resistant, it means that it is very difficult to transport water inside the phone. This technique is used on most watches and does not cause any damage to the watch even after a few splashes. Similarly, water-resistant smartphones do not cause any damage due to water droplets. But this does not mean that you made a mistake in putting your phone in the water. Water resistance should not be understood as water resistance. Very few electronics are actually waterproof.
Water-resistant phones use an IP rating for the device. Ratings range from one to nine in terms of water resistance. Nine of these are considered the best. Water-resistant ratings apply only under certain conditions and are not available in the world. IP ratings are measured from one to nine, depending on the experiments performed in the laboratory, but conditions in the global environment vary considerably. For example, fresh water is used in the laboratory, but water usually contains a variety of salts and chemicals. These ratings, once in the bucket, protect the phone from error, but no one recommends clicking photos inside the swimming pool.
- Water repellent
If your phone has water repellent technology, it means that your phone or device has a thin film that does not allow water to enter the phone. This image applies to the device from the inside out. Most companies make a hydrophobic surface on the phone as there is no water effect on the device. A device with this technology stays in the water longer than a normal device.
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